To go back to our Default Layout, we click on Default Layout, and we’re back. So if I just want to view all the covers, I click on covers, and now I can view my records by cover here. I’ll talk about this in another lesson as well, but we can create more layouts as well. We can create more layouts than the Default Layout, you’re going to see I have here covers and detail. So I can see the album, the year, the artist, the rating. So when I select any one of these, let’s go to Face Value here, when I select this, it shows me all of my data for that record. By default, there’s going to be one layout called Default Layout. Here now to the right of all of our records here, we have our individual record that we have selected. Again, basically, we’re just kind of looking at the interface. I talk a little bit more about this in another lesson as well. If I want to modify the look of this, I can go over to this icon here and I can change the look of it or go to a specific section. To create a new record, I just click on the plus. So this is a database of all of my albums that I have, to the right of that we can see all the individual records. To the right of that, depending on which form you have selected, I have my albums here selected. So this is where I can find all of my different forms. You can create relational forms or relational databases with Tap Forms 5. Or what you can do is you can relate them together. They can be completely separate from each other. So all of these different forms here are tables. Well in Tap Forms 5 they’re called forms. If you’re familiar with database terminology, a table is basically where all of your records are. So what am I looking at here? Well, over on the left, we have all of our different forms. To open up a database document, all you have to do is just double click on it. This window here is also where you can delete them, share them as well as get information on them. If you do not have a database document open, you’ll get this window here where you can open up a database document. Now, if you do not have a database document open, this is where all of your different databases or your different forms are stored, in a database document. I have my Applications folder in the Dock here, so I click on it and then I swipe up until I find Tap Forms 5. In this video, we’re going to take a look at the interface for Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.