
Sunrise and sunset
Sunrise and sunset

sunrise and sunset

By mid-November, red Mars is ascending in the east around the time true darkness falls.

sunrise and sunset

Visible planets and night sky guide November, 2022 November, nightfall to dawn: Mars! Mars and Jupiter are the 2 bright planets in November’s evening sky. November-December 2022 heliocentric solar system.Looking for a dark sky? Try EarthSky’s Best Places to Stargaze To see a precise view from your location, try Stellarium Online. Our charts are mostly set for the northern half of Earth. Not as precisely, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere. Yes, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. People often ask if our charts apply to them. Venus will come back to that same part of the sky, about the middle of December. Mercury will emerge into the western sky after sunset around the second week of December. Both of our sun’s inner planets have recently passed behind the sun as viewed from Earth. Venus and Mercury can be seen to the left of the sun (which is occulted by a disk) on this image. Also, Mercury goes behind the sun as seen from Earth on November 8. Mercury is lost in morning light early November and then is barely visible after twilight at month’s end. Later, it’ll return to our evening sky before the year ends. So, Venus is hidden in the sun’s glare now. Venus, the brightest planet and next planet inward from Earth in orbit around the sun – went behind the sun as seen from Earth on October 22. On November mornings, Mars is shining brightly in the west (direction opposite the sunrise horizon). It’s very red now and brighter than most stars, racing towards its December 8 opposition, when Earth will fly between Mars and the sun. Mars rises in the east a few hours after sunset. It’s high in the east after sunset, and sets earlier each night – after midnight – throughout the month.

sunrise and sunset

Jupiter is easy to spot, brighter than all the stars. Saturn is high in the sky after sunset – golden in color, shining steadily – perfect for observing in the evening. And indeed, it’ll be back in our evening sky about 5 months from now! Chart via John Jardine Goss/ EarthSky. We typically associate Regulus with the season of spring. Then on November 17, 2022, the moon is still near Regulus, but on the other side of the Sickle. You’ll notice Leo’s brightest star, Regulus. Month­ly Cu­mu­la­tive (2pm - 2pm) = 266.On the morning of November 16, 2022, the last quarter moon lies among the stars of the Sickle asterism in Leo. Ex­pect a most­ly fair night, apart from one or two brief show­ers.Ģ4-Hours Rain­fall (mm) end­ing 2:00 pm Tues­day 18 Oc­to­ber 2022 = 0.0 mm Gusty winds and street flood­ing can oc­cur in the event of heavy show­ers or thun­der­storms. There is a medi­um (40%) chance of heavy show­ers or iso­lat­ed thun­der­storm ac­tiv­i­ty main­ly dur­ing the af­ter­noon. Weath­er con­di­tions will be gen­er­al­ly hot and sun­ny to­day, de­spite show­ery in­ter­rup­tions over a few ar­eas. TRINIDAD, TO­BA­GO AND THE RE­MAIN­DER OF THE LESS­ER AN­TILLES The fol­low­ing is the bul­letin is­sued by the Met Ser­vice to 06:00 am, to­day, cov­er­ing the pe­ri­od to­day un­til mid­night…

Sunrise and sunset