Whilst mini spirit levels are often used for small and hard-to-reach parts and narrow areas, the larger ones (over 100 cm) are mostly designed for professional construction purposes. They can be between 10 cm to 200 cm long. Spirit levels are available in many different sizes and lengths. Special line marks to the left and right of the encased bubble show whether the alignment is perpendicular or not. It is sometimes called "the eye", "the vial", or simply "the bubble" and it moves around in liquid. The main part is the encased bubble level which is aligned with the measuring area. In terms of colour, the casing is usually red, yellow or aluminium-grey. This useful addition means that it can also be used as a ruler. Spirit levels have a rectangular, elongated casing made of aluminium or plastic which often comes with a measuring scale (in centimetres and millimetres). The basic structure is the same for all models. Spirit levels are an indispensable tool in many trades and can be used as a measuring device for the vertical and horizontal alignment of spaces, surfaces or objects. Spirit levels are extremely easy to use, which is why they are most frequently used for plumb lines along walls. Chalk boxes are only suitable for vertical lines. For plumb lines on ceilings, the chalk box is the best device. Plumb bob and chalk box require a bit of practice and patience in the beginning. Which one of theses three measuring devices is favoured is purely down to individual preferences. The chalk line/chalk box is a more modern variation of the theme. The plumb bob is one of the oldest ways of creating a dead straight line (also known as "plumbing"). The spirit level is the classic amongst those tools it is easy to use and almost every household has one. Three tools with the same purpose: to create a straight line for the first length of wallpaper or the one after an internal corner, respectively.