The easiest solution may be to move any Java libraries you are using into a different folder (such as libraries). Meski ditujukan bagi para pengembang aplikasi.
#Aplikasi genymotion android
With Android Studio Installing the Android SDK tools without Android Studio. Use Genymotion Android tools (default) is the option enabled by default. In Settings > ADB, you can configure Genymotion Desktop to use specific Android tools (from Android Studio, for example). Now, I don't personally use Eclipse so I don't know where the proper settings would be, but based off of this answer, it looks like Eclipse automatically assumes that the libs folder in the root of your project contains native libraries. Genymotion adalah emulator Android yang mengambil dasar dari proyek android-x86 dengan beberapa perbaikan. By default, Genymotion Desktop uses its own Android tools. Setelah itu, pilih galaxy S4/HTC One/Xperia Z-4.2.2- With Google apps. Jika Anda belum mendaftarkan ID di genymotion, Anda bisa mendaftar atau registrasi untuk mendapatkan ID genymotion ini. If this is the case, you'll need to configure Eclipse to not interpret the Java libraries you're using as native code. Lalu buka aplikasi genymotion yang sudah diinstall tadi, maka lakukan login. Tentukan spesifikasi emulator Android yang dibutuhkan akan dibuatkan di Genymotion. Untuk Virtual Box akan terbuka dengan sendiri secara background system. It's possible that there are other valid files in a normal Java Android application, but in general if you see anything else in there, particularly a libs folder, it's probably the result of the compilation process thinking that those other things are native libraries (compiled C/C++ code using the JNI). Aktifkan aplikasi Genymotion di laptop atau PC.
#Aplikasi genymotion apk
A quick way to find out is to open up the final APK (it's just a jar file, so most utilities should be able to decompress it) and make sure that the only things you see are META-INF, res, AndroidManifest.xml, x, and resources.arsc. Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menginstal, menggunakan plugin, dan menjalankan aplikasi Android. Ini menggunakan ADB untuk terhubung ke perangkat virtual apa pun yang aktif dan mendorong aplikasi Anda. I know it's written for IntelliJ, but you could be running into a similar issue with Eclipse where it thinks that some normal Java files or jar libraries are native code and including it in the compiled APK. Plugin Genymotion untuk Android Studio memungkinkan Anda menguji aplikasi yang dikembangkan dengan Android Studio IDE. Perancangan prototype digunakan untuk menggambarkan alur dari kebutuhan pengguna kedalam bentuk diagram sebelum proses implementasi sistem dilakukan. INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE on device using intellij System Design Tahapan ini melakukan perancangan Prototype Sistem dan Implementasi Sistem.

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