They are seen as more feminine than sharp shapes which offer energy, violence and, anger. Overall curved shapes offer rhythm and movement, happiness, pleasure and generosity. We’ll confine ourselves to a discussion of some basic geometric shapes here and discuss their meanings. Often the meaning behind shapes is cultural (a red octagon as a stop sign), particularly as shapes are combined. The Meaning of Shapes There are truly an endless variety of shapes and combination of shapes, each communicating its own meaning and message.
Think of some of the icons you see in the software you use daily. Some abstract shapes have near universal recognition. Icons are abstract shapes to represent ideas and concepts. Typographic glyphs are abstract shapes to represent letters. A stick figure is an abstract shape depicting a person. /rebates/&.com252fgallery252fid-b257916252fabstract-shapes-posters. They are stylized or simplified versions of organic shapes. Organic shapes add interest and reinforce themes.Ībstract shapes Abstract shapes have a recognizable form, but are not real.
They are free form and asymmetrical and convey feelings of spontaneity. 100 cotton, 190 grams/m2 fabric weight-eco pre washed for zero shrinkage-embroidery at chest pocket-waterbased screenprint at back-fits true to size. On a web page organic shapes are generally created through the use of illustration and photography. While they can be man-made (ink blobs), they are more typically representative of shapes found in nature such as a leaves, rocks, and clouds.

Patrick Seslar is a long-time contributing editor for The Artists Magazine. In particular, notice how I used color and value to give the pears a feeling of volume. With my abstract shapes firmly in place, I finished Still Life With Three Pears (oil, 7×11) by fleshing out the fruit with values, color and textures. Notice how the position of the pears creates a pleasing balance of positive shapes (the pears) and negative shapes (the background). The placement of the shelf divides the rectangle into three unequal-but interesting-abstract shapes. I used shapes cut from construction paper to arrange the key abstract shapes within the rectangle. I started by reducing all of the elements-in this case, three pears, the edge of the shelf and the rectangle that surrounds them-into basic abstract shapes, or masses. You can see this in the demonstration sequence presented here, where I transformed the basic shapes of the pears and shelf first into a composition, then into a finished piece. Fits well in 8x10 frames without matt or the larger frames with 8x10 matt Frames. Paint or colour the drawn shapes, using different colours for the different shapes including the new shapes formed by the overlapping areas. Only after you can clearly see these shapes do you turn your attention to the image on the shape. Abstract Shapes Prints Only Set of 3 Multi-way to hang your art print. To make the pieces fit, you must first pay attention to the main shapes. The process of composing with abstract shapes is much like assembling a jig-saw puzzle. In fact, at its essence, composition is simply the art of arranging abstract shapes in a manner thats pleasing to the eye. For example, in Still Life with Three Pears the primary abstract shapes include the basic masses of the pears and the long, thin rectangle that forms the front edge of the table top. Abstract shapes are the large, basic shapes that provide the building blocks for virtually any painting in any style.